5 Respect Lessons From Martial Arts That Changed My Life

Category : Martial ArtsRespect

Since I started the martial arts, I have learned so many things. Not only do I have the techniques of the martial arts, but the benefits have spilled over into my personal life. It is difficult to sum up just a few things that I have learned through martial arts about respect and self-confidence. But the following is a comprehensive list of the lessons that I have learned:

  1. Respect the Position of the Other

I have learned that others will disagree with me in life. I know that these conflicts cannot be resolved easily. Unfortunately, I know that others might continue to disagree with me until the day I die. So I’ve learned how to respect that I will have opponents. I am prepared to fight for what I believe in, but first attempt with all my being to resolve issues through a non violent approach. This has taught me how to not view everyone as the enemy; they are people who I can communicate with. However, if necessary, I will protect those I love with force. I know I cannot convince everyone through reason and intellect.

  1. Self-Confidence with Who I am

I have always struggled a bit feeling different. Whether it be because of my race or my economic status, I found it hard not to envy others. Now, after practicing martial arts, I have let go of this toxic comparison. I finally feel that I am in touch with my inner values. These are qualities that are intrinsic to me and that are special. I find myself feeling that my own unique name, voice, and characteristics are enough for me. I do not have to wish that I was any different.

  1. Self-Discipline

I went through a phase where I was completely lost. I had spent my whole life trying to please everyone else and gain acceptance through my achievements. But then when I noticed that those accomplishments were not making me happy, I withdrew. I became overworked and had lost the essential balance in life. When I began martial arts, I was looking for a hobby. But I found more of a philosophy for life. My chi was depleted, and my classes helped me realize this. Through learning to fight, I also learned to battle for the things in life that were important. I did this through maintaining a proper balance and not being too strict with myself. I realized that the reason I tried so hard was because life was important. That sense of being a hard worker and having self-discipline was actually something worth preserving. I just had to maintain the stamina in such a way that I was not depleting my chi.

  1. New Identity

The martial arts made me a new person. I could now say that I practice martial arts. That was an addition to my identity. And with that came a sense from others that I was willing to fight for the things I loved. People could see this passion in me. I had developed a new strength and a new power. But I was still the same person, the self-disciplined and principled person that I always was. There was just a new outlet for me to express this- one that could also preserve these qualities in others.

  1. Determination

I went through the period in life that I had eluded to above where I gave up on myself. I could only see the futility in dreams and feel the way that they depleted the body of strength. I realized that giving up that part of myself gave others power. They came in with their dreams and used me as a way to get to theirs. They used my hopelessness and lack of direction to their advantage; they employed me as their servant in a sense. The worst part is, and then they laughed at me because of my low ambition. That helped me realize that I was depressed. Through work in many areas, I became whole again. And the martial arts helped me preserve my integrity of person. I wouldn’t let someone come and take advantage of me at a low point again.

Martial arts has given me so many benefits. It has grounded me and given me wings at the same time. I am grateful that I have the strength now to defend myself and others, instead of letting my spirit get trampled by the world.

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