
Posts Under Fitness

Improving A Child’s Fitness Level Using Martial Arts

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

Kids today live in a digital world where they are surrounded by technology. Often this technology keeps them from getting the exercise they need. This can lead to weight gain, depression, and other health-related issues. But getting kids off the sofa can be a difficult process. Luckily, there is a fun way to entice your kids to get up and moving. Martial arts are not only fun for kids, they also provide ample exercise that can help them lead healthier lives. Below we are going to learn more about how martial arts can improve your child’s health with fitness.

Weight Loss

Many kids carry around a few extra pounds because of their sedimentary lifestyle. If left unchecked, this can lead to serious health issues including heart problems and diabetes. Getting your child into fitness is highly important and vital to their future. A fun way to help kids get the fitness they need and lose those unwanted pounds is by enrolling them in a martial arts program. This low impact sport is perfect for children of all ages. After a few weeks of training, you will start to notice the benefits and your child will feel much better about the way they look.

It’s Great for Heart Health

While we often only think of heart health when we get older, it’s important to start protecting your heart at an early age. Practicing martial arts is a great way to build your cardiovascular health and improve blood flow. As your child advance and takes on more physical tasks, he or she will build a healthy heart and improve their overall health. This is a great way to help your child live a long and disease-free life. Combined with diet and other forms of exercise, martial arts can keep you healthy.

Improvement in Mood

Depression is a major problem in children today. This is partly due to the fact that many kids don’t get enough exercise. Practicing martial arts is a wonderful and natural way to improve your child’s mood without the need for medications. By getting out of the house and getting physical exercise, children will have fewer symptoms of depression which can cut the risk of suicide. Martial arts will also provide your child with a greater sense of self-worth which we help them better navigate the world.

An Increase in Muscle Tone

As a martial arts student, your child will have to use many of their muscle in training. Over time their muscle mass will increase, and you will start to see a difference in your child’s fitness level. Having good muscle tone will help keep your child strong and prevent them from injury. If they like to play other sports that can be strenuous on the body, having muscle tone will keep them from getting hurt. Good muscle tone is also part of an overall healthy body.

Improved Cognitive Skills

Sitting around for many hours of the day can decrease your cognitive skills. This can lead to poor grades and poor decision making. A great way to improve your child’s cognitive skills is by enrolling them in a martial arts program. This will get them out of the house and do something physical that will help their brain health. You will also notice that your child will get better grades in school which is always an added bonus.

Faster Reflexes

Another area of fitness that is very important is reflexes. If your child loves to play sports, then he or she will need to have fast reflexes in order to excel. Martial arts will improve overall reflexes and will help with muscle memory. Training as a martial arts student will help them do better on the playing field or the courtyard. No matter what type of sport your child plays, martial arts can sure help.

These are just a few ways that martial arts can improve your child’s fitness. By getting them off the sofa and away from their smart devices, they will become healthy and happy. The cost of martial arts class will pay for itself by providing your child with a bright and promising future. So make sure to signup your little one for a martial arts class in your area.

Increasing Adult Fitness Through Martial Arts

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

As an adult, staying healthy is very important to your overall wellbeing. But working out can be boring which is why so many people give up on getting fit. Luckily, there is a fun way to get in shape. Martial arts training is great for all ages and as an adult, you can join classes with people from all walks of life. Today, we are going to learn more about the fitness benefits of martial arts and how it can help you. So if you would like to get fit, you should take note.

A Healthy Heart

While martial arts are not high impact sports, it can help keep your heart healthy. By practicing martial arts weekly, it can strengthen your heart reducing your chances of having a heart attack. Many older adults have taken up martial arts to ward off heart disease and other physical ailments. Martial arts can also improve your circulation which is great for your overall health and can make you feel better.

Losing Weight

As adults, many of us are overweight mainly due to our sedimentary jobs. Office workers have an increased risk of being overweight. If you fall into the category and want to do something about your weight, why not join a martial arts class? While it may take some time to notice a difference, you will definitely start to drop those pounds. Because martial arts are not as strenuous on the body, people on most health levels can join. Slowly you will improve your fitness level and you will be able to increase the stress on your body. Combined with a healthy diet and other forms of exercise, martial arts can be a great weight loss tool that you can use to your advantage.

You Will Build Stamina

Because you will be using just about every muscle in the body during your martial arts training, you will build up stamina. Instructors will assess your fitness level and slowly train your body building up stamina. Once you reach a higher level of fitness, you will be able to do more than you ever thought possible. You may even wish to compete in martial arts matches. This can be a very rewarding experience that is great for your health.

You Will Love Looking in The Mirror

After just a few months of martial arts training, you will start to notice a big change in the way you look. You will not only lose those unwanted pounds, but you will also become more toned. As your level of fitness increase, your body will start to look amazing! This will give you lots of self-confidence and you will love what you see when you look in the mirror. Having self-confidence will help you in many different aspects of life. It can help you in your professional life as we as your personal life.

Healthier Choices

Choosing to join a martial arts class is a healthy choice that can lead to other healthy things. Once you start to feel the benefits of physical fitness, you will probably want to change other things in your life. This can lead to you eating a healthier diet and stopping harmful habits like drinking or smoking cigarettes. So getting into a class just might change your life for the better.

Improved Mental Health

Another health benefit of martial arts that you might not have thought of is improved mental health. If you suffer from depression, you are probably taking medication for your condition. While pills can be helpful, they can also come with a lot of negative side-effects. Many adults that have depression are treating it with martial arts. Being physically active is a proven way to boost your mood and stave off depression. But before you make any changes to your medication routine, make sure that you check with your doctor first. This will ensure your safety.

If you are an adult that is looking to improve your fitness and have some fun at the same time, why not consider martial arts? You will get to meet new people and work hard to get that body you have always dreamed over. Over time, you will build stamina and be able to do things you never thought you could do.

Why Martial Arts Is Great For Adult Fitness

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

Do you want to know the importance of martial arts in adult fitness? Martial arts are one great activity that enables participants to be physically active in addition to instilling a sense of ethics and achievement, for example, as you work your way up to earn the black belt. Bear in mind that for many younger people, for instance, Americans, martial arts was one of the first competitive activities or sports that they grew up enjoying.

As an adult, you may have had no martial arts previous experience. However, it’s one activity that you should consider when it comes to adult fitness. The reason is that this sport offers you many benefits. This post gives you 10 reasons why you should consider taking up this sport to enhance your physical and mental well being. 

Total Body Workout

Martial arts are a high-intensity workout that utilizes your body’s entire muscle groups. It enables you to improve your balance, strength, muscle tone, stamina and flexibility. The result is that your body experiences improved blood flow, which reduces incidences of low or high blood pressure. Remember that if you want to carry out the best adult fitness activities, you must involve all your muscle groups. 

Improves Your Cardiovascular Health

Another benefit of martial arts in adult fitness is that it enhances the status of your cardiovascular system. Remember that research has shown that if you participate in activities that stress your heart such as martial arts, you improve your general cardiovascular health. 

Enhances Your Self Confidence

Martial arts involves setting goals, respect for others and positive encouragement. The greatest benefit of martial arts when it comes to adult fitness is improved self-confidence. It enables you to keep your cool in all scenarios, whether you’re carrying out tasks that take you far beyond your comfort zone or when in danger. This sport makes you know that you can accomplish anything that you set your mind to do.

It Enables You to Improve Your Reflexes

Another reason why you should enroll in martial arts classes as an adult is that it allows you to improve your reflexes, for example, while performing this sport’s techniques. The result is that you experience a faster reaction time in all your daily activities, for instance, driving. 

Increases the Amount of Your Muscle Tone

Martial arts activities enable you to improve the amount of your body’s muscle tone. Keep in mind that if you have more muscle mass, your metabolic demands will be higher, which, means that you’ll burn more calories each day. The result is that you’ll promote weight loss in your body in addition to preventing obesity incidences. Higher levels of muscle mass also increase your agility, which helps to prevent falls as you age. 

Stillness and Focus

Behind the kicks, punches and knees, a martial artist learns how to come into peace with himself or herself, which enables them to know where their weaknesses are. Adult fitness requires you to stay still, focused and challenged for the best results. It prevents you from going to back to your old habits.

Enhances Your Mood

One of the best adult fitness activities is to involve yourself in daily exercise activities, which enables you to improve your mood. The best way is by performing martial arts activities, which allows you prevent frustration. The result is that you’ll be happier. The reason is that during your activities, your body will release endorphins, which enhance your mood and can stay in your body for at least four hours after the exercises.

Weight Loss

The best adult fitness activities involve you losing weight. One reason that you should consider martial arts in the case that you want to lose weight is that a one-hour session of moderate martial arts intensity can result in you losing up to 500 calories. It means that this activity is one of the best when it comes to weight loss. 

Teaches You Great Values and Morals

After consistent exercises, martial arts teach you to become less aggressive and impulsive towards others. As an adult, you need these qualities if you want to live in a good way or in making the best decisions. Keep in mind that one result of making impulsive decisions when it comes to your diet is an increase in your weight.

Healthy Lifestyle

The total-body nature of carrying out martial arts workouts means that you get to burn tons of calories in each session. However, you also benefit since your food cravings become regulated, it means that your physical fitness as an adult will become better since you’ll eat fewer calories. 


Martial arts workouts have many benefits to you when it comes to adult fitness as the above informative post shows. Make sure that you consult your doctor if you have any medical conditions before you consider enrolling in martial arts classes.

The Importance of Injury Prevention Exercises

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

Injuries may occur in high-impact exercises, sports, martial arts and in everyday living. Martial arts practitioners set aside significant time and effort in each session in order to minimize the risks of injury. While it is true that one of the goals of training in martial arts is the honing of self-defense techniques, overall health and injury prevention is part of the discipline as well.


People can get injured even if they take full preventive measures. When the inevitable happens, rest and recovery is recommended. The reintroduction of physical activity takes the form of exercises that protect the shoulders, the neck, the elbows and the knees, and these can be done in as little as 5 minutes per session. Would you believe these sets of exercises are the same ones a physical therapist would provide post-injury?

How To Minimize The Risk Of Injury

Warm-ups are stretches of light exercises designed to limber the body up before vigorous physical activity. They combine both upper and lower body exercises. Most warm-ups have a slew of minor strength drills, some stretching and some cardio sets. Each has their own purpose- cardio exercises bring up your heart rate, core temperature and increase blood circulation. Stretching limbers up the body and prepares it for the movement you will use throughout the martial arts activity. Strength drills include jumping and doing sprints, which act as a transitional phase for faster, more sudden movements required in actual physical performances. When the muscles are warm, then the risk of injury is further minimized.

The maxim goes that you should train hard and push limits, but you should also know when to stop. Understanding the biomechanics and the workings of good movement puts you above optimal safety and efficiency. So you should take it slow when starting out. Gradually gauge yourself and build up on frequency, duration and intensity to take your activity to the next level.

Injury Prevention Through Martial Arts

It cannot be stressed enough that injury prevention exercises are essential for a good martial arts session. In order to prevent unnecessary injury, you will have to take extra care in your form and function. You just need to use the proper technique and always be aware of your form. It doesn’t hurt that you establish a state of being fit so you can respond to the physical challenges without any trouble.

Martial arts is a fantastic way to stay in shape. It can be practiced by people of all ages. You can achieve optimal fitness with it, and in return minimize your risks to injury when you undertake other physical activities. Aside from developing a sound mind in a sound body, you get other significant benefits such as a stronger immune system, an increased resistance to illnesses, a better state of well-being and much more.

Individuals who want to try martial arts will be in for a great time. You have the potential to learn many things on both physical and mental aspects set on a safe environment. You’ll learn to move with purpose, maintain balance, precise coordination and do so with discipline. Of course you’ll also learn how to defend yourself and have the presence of mind to overcome almost any type of emergency situation. All these benefits combine together to give you an edge against possible injuries that you may face in day-to-day activities.

8 Reasons Your Martial Arts Class is Horrible for Fitness

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

Martial arts offers a number of great benefits, such as improving your overall fitness level and helping you develop discipline, but there’s one huge thing you need to understand. You can’t get these benefits from just any martial arts class. In order to reap the amazing benefits discussed above, as well as the improved cardiovascular health, enhanced reflexes, increased muscle tone, and everything else that is associated with martial arts, you must take a class taught by a highly trained instructor several times a week. Are you?

Here are 8 reasons your martial arts class is horrible for your fitness. If you identify with any (or all) of the reasons discussed below, it is time to switch to a new martial arts class.

  1. Class is held in someone’s garage.

Let’s face it. In most cases, a garage, especially one that is being used as a garage except for when “class” is in session, is simply not the same as a martial arts studio. Not only is a studio climate controlled, which is a must during extreme temperatures, but it also offers adequate lighting and plenty of mirrors. When it comes to martial arts, performing the movements correctly and adopting the proper stance directly impacts the quality of your workout. Mirrors allow you to do this.

  1. There are rarely more than 1 or 2 people in class.

In martial arts, training partners are essential and unfortunately, the same training partner time and time again doesn’t provide the practice or test you need. After all, people come in every shape and size. To truly master a technique and be effective with it, you have to practice will all kinds of people…short, tall, thin, a bit larger, long arms, shorts arms. You get the drift.

  1. Your instructor isn’t in the best shape.

Sure, your instructor may hold a black belt, but that doesn’t mean he or she is in the same shape now that they were when they got it. To effectively teach martial arts, you have to be able to go through the motions over and over without losing your breath or taking a few minutes to sit down and rest/ recover.

  1. The instructor lets a student take over class.

While an instructor will call students up to demonstrate moves they have already mastered, a true instructor wouldn’t dream of letting a student teach class. There is a chance that your instructor will bring in someone who is training to be an instructor and allow them opportunities to teach under the instructor’s watchful eye. This is not the same thing.

  1. Your instructor guarantees you will receive a black belt in 90 days or less.

If these words come out of an instructor’s mouth, pack up your things and go. It takes serious time (years!), effort, and commitment to earn a black belt. Anyone who tells you differently isn’t concerned with whether or not you really know what you are doing. It’s likely that shortcuts are being taken and you aren’t actually mastering everything you should, which means you are probably not getting all of the fitness benefits you should.

  1. They only offer one or two classes a week.

Again, to master and eventually excel at martial arts, you have to practice, so attending one class a week simply won’t cut it. This is why committed instructors offer classes on numerous days and times throughout the week. If the class schedule is so limited that you will only be able to make it once a week, this is not the instructor for you.

  1. When class is over, everyone heads out for dinner and a drink.

Even if you know that you just finished a martial arts class that gave you a real workout and burned up quite a few calories, it doesn’t mean it is time to go out to eat. In most cases, all of your hard work will be for nothing, at least from a fitness standpoint, if you eat a juicy cheeseburger and fries or perfectly grilled steak and loaded baked potato right afterwards.

  1. Your instructor is constantly checking his or her phone.

One of martial art’s top benefits is its ability to help you develop discipline, which includes the ability to focus. If your instructor frequently stops to glance at his or her phone, chances are that they are still trying to master this very important lesson.

What to tell to yourself to overcome training plateau

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

One of the best feelings while training in martial arts is to see yourself improving with each passing day. You learn new skills and gain confidence that helps you to keep going. Unfortunately, however, it is not a constant feeling. Many people experience a point in their martial art training where they feel as if they are stuck. No matter what you do, you don’t seem to cross that threshold to the next level. It is the time when you have reached the dreaded plateau stage, and it is not pleasant, to say the least.

There is a silver lining to all this though. First of all, everybody, and I mean everybody who trains goes through this phase. So, you are not alone. And the most important fact to remember- the plateau stage can be overcome.

The plateau can be a result of some issues. It can occur if your mind is somewhere else and you are unable to work with a discipline that is the cornerstone of martial art training. Another common reason can be the lack of partner variety. If you train with the same people day in and day out, you soon will figure out their weaknesses. It limits your ability to learn something new.

Whatever the reason, you must do something about this plateau stage, right? Well, here are some suggestions that will help you to overcome this dreaded stage in your training.

1. Experiment with new techniques

Variety is the spice of life. Training with the same old techniques over and over again can get monotonous. Try new techniques and training methods. Challenge yourself and learn new things. A new technique can act as a breath of fresh air can rejuvenate your entire training regimen. Always be on a lookout for something that entices you. Sometimes, all it takes is a single new move that makes everything just work!

2. Seek inspiration

The plateau stage can bring with it the feelings of lack of motivation to train harder. You will never be able to pull yourself out of this if you don’t find a way to motivate yourself. One of the best ways is to watch your favorite sports heroes in action. The internet is filled with videos of some of the greatest sportspeople in the world. Log on and let these icons inspire and motivate you. Communicating with your friends and training partners can also help you a great deal.

3. Take a break if needed

Rigorous training can cause a feeling of burning out, it is natural. If you feel that you are too tired and are unable to put your best effort during training, take a break. Engage in an activity that gives you pleasure, relaxes. Taking a break from training can help you get your mojo back!

4. Change your lifestyle

Another thing that people experience during a plateau phase is the change in their way of life. Too much junk food, too many late nights can make matters worse. Try to get back to your healthy routine as soon as possible. Make sure that you are eating the right kind of food, drinking plenty of water and caring for your body. It may sound a simple thing, but it can change your whole outlook toward training and can greatly benefit you.

5. Allow yourself to enjoy smaller things

Sure, you have been training hard, and you want to reach to that next level. But somehow you feel stuck; nothing seems to be moving, at least not at a pace you want it to move. Well, take a break and think of smaller things that are working. Set smaller goals and congratulate yourself when you achieve them. Sometimes alternating between the big picture and more trivial things can be a source of great motivation.

Something to remember

Plateau is an unavoidable phenomenon. It happens to the best amongst us. You are not the first person to experience it and certainly are not the last! Just dig deep and follow the tips mentioned here. Think of the plateau as a new challenge that you have been training hard to overcome all these years!

Martial Arts Is Great for Adult Fitness

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

As an adult, staying healthy is very important to your overall wellbeing. But working out can be boring which is why so many people give up on getting fit. Luckily, there is a fun way to get in shape. Martial arts training is great for all ages and as an adult, you can join classes with people from all walks of life. Today, we are going to learn more about the fitness benefits of martial arts and how it can help you. So if you would like to get fit, you should take note.

A Healthy Heart

While martial arts are not high impact sports, it can help keep your heart healthy. By practicing martial arts weekly, it can strengthen your heart reducing your chances of having a heart attack. Many older adults have taken up martial arts to ward off heart disease and other physical ailments. Martial arts can also improve your circulation which is great for your overall health and can make you feel better.

Losing Weight

As adults, many of us are overweight mainly due to our sedimentary jobs. Office workers have an increased risk of being overweight. If you fall into the category and want to do something about your weight, why not join a martial arts class? While it may take some time to notice a difference, you will definitely start to drop those pounds. Because martial arts are not as strenuous on the body, people on most health levels can join. Slowly you will improve your fitness level and you will be able to increase the stress on your body. Combined with a healthy diet and other forms of exercise, martial arts can be a great weight loss tool that you can use to your advantage.

You Will Build Stamina

Because you will be using just about every muscle in the body during your martial arts training, you will build up stamina. Instructors will assess your fitness level and slowly train your body building up stamina. Once you reach a higher level of fitness, you will be able to do more than you ever thought possible. You may even wish to compete in martial arts matches. This can be a very rewarding experience that is great for your health.

You Will Love Looking in The Mirror

After just a few months of martial arts training, you will start to notice a big change in the way you look. You will not only lose those unwanted pounds, but you will also become more toned. As your level of fitness increase, your body will start to look amazing! This will give you lots of self-confidence and you will love what you see when you look in the mirror. Having self-confidence will help you in many different aspects of life. It can help you in your professional life as we as your personal life.

Healthier Choices

Choosing to join a martial arts class is a healthy choice that can lead to other healthy things. Once you start to feel the benefits of physical fitness, you will probably want to change other things in your life. This can lead to you eating a healthier diet and stopping harmful habits like drinking or smoking cigarettes. So getting into a class just might change your life for the better.

Improved Mental Health

Another health benefit of martial arts that you might not have thought of is improved mental health. If you suffer from depression, you are probably taking medication for your condition. While pills can be helpful, they can also come with a lot of negative side-effects. Many adults that have depression are treating it with martial arts. Being physically active is a proven way to boost your mood and stave off depression. But before you make any changes to your medication routine, make sure that you check with your doctor first. This will ensure your safety.

If you are an adult that is looking to improve your fitness and have some fun at the same time, why not consider martial arts? You will get to meet new people and work hard to get that body you have always dreamed over. Over time, you will build stamina and be able to do things you never thought you could do.

5 More Ways Martial Arts Is Better For Fitness Than The Gym

Category: FitnessMartial Arts

It is a common occurrence for people to attend the gym with the sole purpose of weight training. Not only will they be able to do so in order to tone their muscles but to stay fit and attain the ideal weight. One thing you need to note is that attending the gym is not bad. But there is a much better option that eliminates the need of lifting heavy weights – martial art.

Martial art has been found to impart benefits to the mind and body. Not only are people able to gain self discipline and learn self protection but they get to improve their stamina too. It is very common to find people signing up for gym workouts only to decline attending the sessions. While this may be attributed partly to one being busy, it may also be attributed to lack of satisfaction among people.

Here are 5 ways martial arts is way better for fitness than gym workouts.

Total body workout

When you attend the gym, you will be met by different machines and weights. You will find kettle bells, treadmills and barbells among others. In order to attain fitness, users will be given a 3 day, 4 day, 5 day or 6 day workout plan. For example, on Monday one will be required to concentrate on the chest, biceps, back and shoulder muscles. On Tuesday, one will be advised to concentrate on the triceps, quads, hamstring and glutes. On Wednesday, one will be asked to repeat Monday’s routine as well as incorporate cardio workout for 10 minutes. Basically what you will be doing is interchanging between lower body workout, upper body workout and core muscles.

In martial arts, you don’t have to create such a workout. From the first day, you will learn basic movements and commands. For example, before starting any session, you will bow. This is the same when combating an opponent in the dojo. Unlike in the gym where you only concentrate on a particular part of your body on a single day, martial arts allows you to use full range of motion each day.

Thanks to sparring in martial arts sessions, not only will you learn how to defend or combat an opponent but you will become fit. As a result, martial arts offers total body workout.

Mental gain

If you have attended the gym, you will notice that many people spend much of the session talking. On other occasions, they will spend more time trying to check out female gym attendees as they workout. Apart from that, majority of weight lifters at the gym spend so much time flexing in front of the mirror. They will lift barbells or bench press for a few minutes before spending more time flexing in front of the mirror. If you were to calculate the amount of time wasted talking and flexing, you will realize that gym workouts are less beneficial especially for people who are focused in life.

When you turn to martial arts, the opposite happens. You will find attendees learning new movements as instructed by the master. Furthermore, non will be talking during the session, flexing in front of a mirror or have friends take selfies. There are strict rules that govern the dojo unlike in the gym. In the dojo, participants follow every single command issued by the master. They follow the teachings provided which mean they have no time to chat or flex. As a result, martial art is the best workout for anyone who wants to become fit and eliminate chances of wasting time.

Improves your emotional health

At the gym, it’s quite easy to call it quits. Why? You started the session on a high note but as time goes by; your muscles are used to the weights and movements. As a result, your body is not experiencing the tremendous growth you anticipated. So what happens? You hit the plateau stage of physical limitations finally resulting in you quitting. On the other hand, many people end up injecting steroids in order to improve their momentum and attain the muscle mass they have been craving for.

In martial arts, you can forget about hitting the plateau stage when it comes to learning. Each day, you will learn something new. This will go a long way in improving self discipline, your strength, muscles, knowledge of techniques as well as skills. Martial art gives you a chance of becoming better every day. Thanks to the belt system, you are able to move up according to your accomplishments. Furthermore, you will learn how to manage your emotions as well as keeping them under check. This will help to calm your mind and strengthen your spirit.

Encourages you to lead a healthy lifestyle

Gym attendees are encouraged to consume healthy foods where protein takes a large percentage. This is because protein is a muscle building nutrient. During the first months, it is common to find people consuming 6 meals in a day. The goal is simple – to provide the body with the much needed nutrition. As a result, one’s metabolism is heightened leading to fat burning and weight loss. Problem is healthy foods cannot provide fast muscle growth which is what gym participants expect. This results in them using steroids.

When it comes to martial arts, participants don’t need muscle growth shakes or foods in large quantities. Why? Martial art helps to make the muscles fit naturally. Furthermore, the different movements results in the burning of calories which promotes fat burning and weight loss. As a result, one’s natural eating habits are regulated much better thus eliminating food cravings. This results in one consuming a balanced meal each day.

Social gain

While gyms advertise that there are trainers available, you will find out that this is not true to some extent. Yes, there are gym trainers present but the problem is there are several attendees who need help. These strains the time gym trainers allocate each participant which ultimately results in poor learning. On the other hand, gym attendees are required to perform the same movements’ day in, day out. Within a short time, one will run out of motivation. Furthermore, their focus will also waver.

Martial art is totally different. Instead of having several trainers, only one trainer is required. He or she imparts training to all attendees from one point. This ensures that students are able to learn every movement. Furthermore, one is allowed plenty of time to practice. In a martial arts dojo, you will feel that you belong to a community. You will get to make new friends and form a stronger bond that will extend even outside the dojo. When you meet on the streets, you will recognize each other as companions and not competitors.

Final Thoughts

Martial art has so many advantages over gyms. For starters, martial art offers a safer environment unlike in the gym where you are required to lift heavy weights. The chances of you getting injured are too high. In martial arts, competition is healthy while in the gym, everyone wants to outdo each other especially when it comes to how much one can lift or their muscular size.

That is not all:

Martial art sparring is dynamic since it’s done under the watchful eye of the master. This lessens the chances of injury.

Bottom line:

Martial art is better than gym workout.