Self-Defense for Building Self-Confidence


The term martial arts often conjures up vivid images of “Kung Fu Theater” and other popular martial arts tv shows, but in reality, self defense and martial arts can be more beneficial than most people realize.

For many adults as well as children, self defense training promotes confidence, reliance and trust in one’s own self. When a person challenges themselves to do something new, they have never done before, and succeed, they develop mental focus and feel better about themselves. For most people, young and old, it can be a form of courage, and the willingness to persevere in the face of fear, and overcoming that fear to build confidence.

When a person is involved in a self defense course, you have to be focused on the task at hand, and thoughts of work, family situations are put out of your head. You will find that your mental focus becomes sharper, and everyday tasks actually become easier.

Unshakable Self Confidence

Although the practice of martial arts and self defense is often done as a form of exercise and strength training to help one’s body become toned and strong, it also gives one a sense of self worth and complete trust in oneself’s confidence to handle any situation in which you may find yourself. The knowledge that you can protect yourself and your loved ones, and the ability to handle any situation that you may face, gives one a great deal of self respect and courage. You may notice that you stand a little straighter, feel calmer and more in control of situations going on around you, as you go about your daily tasks and unexpected challenges.

Many other benefits of taking self defense or martial arts classes may include, but are not limited to; a strong sense of integrity, respect, honor, self discipline, and self determination. Self defense provides balance in one’s life, something that you work hard to accomplish and no one can ever really take it away from you. People learn to be kind to one another, treat others with respect and dignity, yet not be afraid to stand up to other people or bullies, and to help defend and protect those weaker than you.


Since there are many different types of martial arts and various types of self defense training courses available, one needs to look for something that fits them. Self defense should be easy and fun to learn. One should be able to enjoy practicing the martial arts, even though one continues to challenge themselves as they learn and grow stronger. You should have different partners, so you can learn how to deal with many different situations, as well as your new found skills becoming an initial and natural reaction to unexpected and difficult situations, secure in the knowledge you have something to fall back on.

Both children and adults are surprised to realize that learning martial arts or self defense is an amazing journey, as they begin to discover many things about themselves as well as the release of the ego.

Children and teens

Most children and teens face unique challenges in today’s global world, one of the best resources to accomplish these goals is the learning self defense or martial arts lessons to insure your child or teen is happy and well rounded.

As a child learns about the world around them, they will invariably face difficult situations throughout childhood and into becoming an adult. Self defense can provide a safe environment that they need to learn to deal with emotional, physical and mental challenges of the young adult.

Children often have tons of excess energy to burn, as they grow and develop. What better outlet to help them release the energy, as well as develop strong, healthy bodies, and fine motor skills they will need as an adult.
Teenagers need to develop a strong sense of self worth and confidence as they grow into responsible, confident adults. This also will instill a sense of belonging as the martial arts community also promotes a strong sense of family and community. Teens often struggle with identity and where they fit into the world, they are often drawn to like minded people, who understand them and who they can relate to on many levels. Martial arts gives teens a responsible outlet to focus on rather than gangs who provide the negative atmosphere that should be avoided.

Social networks

A good quality martial arts school can provide the support of the martial arts community, giving children and teens a strong sense of responsibility, focusing their personal development as well as sense of self worth and good health habits that carry them into adulthood. Teens need the feeling of belonging, and often find themselves drawn to unhealthy gangs or other negative influences, like drugs or alcohol.

Martial arts and self defense teaches one to be responsible with their new skills, and to responsible for their actions. They also learn to know when to use their new skills and are encouraged to defend and protect others.

Children, teens and adults alike can find the many benefits of self defense can enrich and bring so much so to their lives. They can learn to rely on their own intuition to carry them throughout their entire lives.

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