What to tell to yourself to overcome training plateau

Category : FitnessMartial Arts

One of the best feelings while training in martial arts is to see yourself improving with each passing day. You learn new skills and gain confidence that helps you to keep going. Unfortunately, however, it is not a constant feeling. Many people experience a point in their martial art training where they feel as if they are stuck. No matter what you do, you don’t seem to cross that threshold to the next level. It is the time when you have reached the dreaded plateau stage, and it is not pleasant, to say the least.

There is a silver lining to all this though. First of all, everybody, and I mean everybody who trains goes through this phase. So, you are not alone. And the most important fact to remember- the plateau stage can be overcome.

The plateau can be a result of some issues. It can occur if your mind is somewhere else and you are unable to work with a discipline that is the cornerstone of martial art training. Another common reason can be the lack of partner variety. If you train with the same people day in and day out, you soon will figure out their weaknesses. It limits your ability to learn something new.

Whatever the reason, you must do something about this plateau stage, right? Well, here are some suggestions that will help you to overcome this dreaded stage in your training.

1. Experiment with new techniques

Variety is the spice of life. Training with the same old techniques over and over again can get monotonous. Try new techniques and training methods. Challenge yourself and learn new things. A new technique can act as a breath of fresh air can rejuvenate your entire training regimen. Always be on a lookout for something that entices you. Sometimes, all it takes is a single new move that makes everything just work!

2. Seek inspiration

The plateau stage can bring with it the feelings of lack of motivation to train harder. You will never be able to pull yourself out of this if you don’t find a way to motivate yourself. One of the best ways is to watch your favorite sports heroes in action. The internet is filled with videos of some of the greatest sportspeople in the world. Log on and let these icons inspire and motivate you. Communicating with your friends and training partners can also help you a great deal.

3. Take a break if needed

Rigorous training can cause a feeling of burning out, it is natural. If you feel that you are too tired and are unable to put your best effort during training, take a break. Engage in an activity that gives you pleasure, relaxes. Taking a break from training can help you get your mojo back!

4. Change your lifestyle

Another thing that people experience during a plateau phase is the change in their way of life. Too much junk food, too many late nights can make matters worse. Try to get back to your healthy routine as soon as possible. Make sure that you are eating the right kind of food, drinking plenty of water and caring for your body. It may sound a simple thing, but it can change your whole outlook toward training and can greatly benefit you.

5. Allow yourself to enjoy smaller things

Sure, you have been training hard, and you want to reach to that next level. But somehow you feel stuck; nothing seems to be moving, at least not at a pace you want it to move. Well, take a break and think of smaller things that are working. Set smaller goals and congratulate yourself when you achieve them. Sometimes alternating between the big picture and more trivial things can be a source of great motivation.

Something to remember

Plateau is an unavoidable phenomenon. It happens to the best amongst us. You are not the first person to experience it and certainly are not the last! Just dig deep and follow the tips mentioned here. Think of the plateau as a new challenge that you have been training hard to overcome all these years!

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