How Martial Arts Is Making The World A Better Place

Category : Martial ArtsRespect

Ever heard of this saying “time and tides wait for no man.” Well, if you have, then you already know that time is a precious resource. A single day has 86, 400 seconds. This may sound a lot but actually it’s not. Every single second is precious. If wasted, it will never be recovered. Whether you are a teacher an, entrepreneur, doctor, pilot or federal employee, spending time while doing something meaningful will be rewarding in the future.

This is the same with children. Did you know that you can invest your spare time and learn something new? In this case, what you will learn is martial arts. Not only will you be learning new moves but you will get to meet new people too. You will end up forming new bonds with like-minded individuals. As a result, it will surely impact your personal and professional life positively.

So, how does martial art make the world a better place?

Builds confidence

As you walk from school or work, how many dangers do you think are lurking around you? Even when you are strolling along the beach in a foreign country or drinking quietly in a bar, you need to know that danger is all round you? So, how do you protect yourself? Many people rely on one of the oldest technique – running away. While this may seem a bright idea, what if you are surrounded by your assailants? How do you get out of such a situation?

Martial art training imparts a wide array of techniques in the student. Not only will you learn how to make an excellent kick but you will learn how to tackle an opponent using judo moves or tae kwon do. As a result, you will reduce the chances of getting beaten or injured by your assailants. Thanks to the knowledge acquired from martial arts, you will be more confident when walking home from school, work or other events. Why? You have the skills to protect yourself against assailants.

This will boost your self confidence. As a result, it will impact positively in all areas of your life. From work, school and home, you will be able to make tough decisions much easier.

Teaches you that failure is part of life

Yes, failure is part of life. In everything you attempt, from learning to starting a business, there are occasions when you have to endure failure. Problem is how do you handle yourself afterwards? Do you quit and start blaming life or other people for your failure or do you pick yourself up, dust yourself, take a break, try to learn where you went wrong, come up with new strategies and implement them? If your situation is the former (quit and blame life), you will never be successful but if your situation is the latter, success is close at hand more than you thought.

This is what martial art teaches everyone – failure is part of life and it’s not the end. Assume you are in the dojo, the master asks you to spar with an opponent. There are two ways this situation will play out. One, you will triumph over your opponent or your opponent will triumph over you. If you are taller, more successful than your opponent in business or much older, you will surely take defeat from the younger opponent in a bad way. But what will you learn at the end of the lesson? Life is not perfect. It’s full of ups and downs. Today, you are a winner, tomorrow someone else is the winner. To ensure you are successful, continuous self improvement is the answer.

Improves your focus

At school, students are required to learn. They are required to study a wide array of subjects. In turn, they are give home work which is supposed to help them practice what they learned during the day. This is a burden that most students are unable to handle. When you add the stress at home, life becomes unbearable. As a result, fatigue kicks in which results in insomnia. This leads to students losing focus in class during the day. As an employer, you probably have experienced the same with your employees. So, what is the best remedy?

Imagine this, every single student or employee is enrolled for an hour session of martial arts. During the session, one gets to learn new techniques. Apart from that, the different moves improve your mental health allowing you to be focused, committed and decisive.

As a result, students and employees will be focused at work finally meeting their objectives. At the end of the day or month, success will be experienced everywhere. This will in turn improve the economy and make the world a better place.

Connects people from all walks of life

When you enroll in a martial arts dojo, you will meet people from different parts of the world. Unlike in other places where you will find people congregating according to race, color or language, in a dojo everyone is equal. People will converse and spar as brothers and sisters not enemies. No one will request for special treatment and receive it. The master will not favor a few students over others.

So, how does this have a positive impact on the world? Thanks to the acceptance of everyone despite their background, people become one community. They are able to interact with each other while keeping stereotypes at bay.

Furthermore, the connection does not end in the dojo. It extends to the neighborhood, workplace and school. As a result, negative feelings like hate are easily forgotten. In its place, love, kindness, trust and sharing are cultivated.

Peace prevails

It is a common misconception that when children are taught martial arts skills and techniques, they will become violent. Well, this is not true. Martial art teaches everyone how to respect others regardless of their age, social standing, language or background. Furthermore, it cultivates self discipline and self control among the participants. As a result of these qualities, peace is able to prevail.

Unlike bullies who use force and intimidation in order to show their might, martial arts students use techniques like talking to deescalate a situation. It is quite difficult to find a martial arts student engaging in fights whether at school, home or at the workplace. Instead, they are known to promote peace wherever they go.

If the world learned martial arts, peace would prevail.

Final Thoughts

Martial art has been found to awaken the warrior spirit in each student. While you may think that martial art students will engage in violence thanks to their new skills, well the opposite will happen. Peace will be promoted in areas where they reside, learn and work. Thanks to the use of non violent methods to settle disputes, no injuries or deaths will occur.

That is not all. Martial art helps you to focus. Focus is a mental ability that is very important at work and school. As a result, the student or employee will improve productivity finally attaining their objectives and goals. In turn, the benefits will spread to others in form of knowledge and economic boom.

Lastly, you will get to learn how to prevent negative stuff from affecting your life. If you fail, you can pick yourself up and face all problems head on with new strategies. This will place control in your hands allowing you to become a master of your own destiny.

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