Finding Your Character Flaws Through Martial Arts

Category : AttitudeMartial Arts

To pinpoint the character flaws in anyone is an easy thing to do, but to help them correct it, seems more difficult. Since it’s not known to many that martial arts can help overcome character flaws in an individual, therefore this article will cover this topic in detail. Training in martial arts is the only help’ one needs to perfect his/her character.

Martial arts have always been seen as one of the major skills of defense systems, but that’s not what they are entirely composed of. Their training in self-discipline prepares an individual to overcome any character flaws, irrespective of how deeply rooted they are.

Character flaws can easily be overcome in kids as well as adults through proper and rigorous training. Martial arts require a lot of integrity, honesty, disciple, and respect; that is hardly found in any soul, unless one is properly trained. An old adage says: “If it were easy, everyone would do it.”

In this article we shall have a look at how one can find flaws in one’s character and treat it accordingly; and we’ll also discover how proper training in the school of the martial arts can help one, in building a perfect character.

Martial Arts

Before we look at how martial arts can help in eliminating character flaws, we must know what martial arts are, in the first place. The phrase __martial arts’ is treated in both singular and plural forms. In its singular form it represents one particular kind of martial arts like: Thai-Kickboxing, Tae Kwon Do, Jiu Jitsu, Karate, etc.; and in its plural form it represents the entire school of all martial arts.

One of the oldest and most famous forms of martial arts is Kung Fu, which originated in China in around a period from 21st century BC to the 17th century BC. It gained popularity from 1271 AD to 1368 AD, and then witnessed its peak from 1368 AD to 1911 AD. Apart from the development of Kung Fu in China; Tae Kwon Do and Karate were developed in Korea and Japan, respectively.

Although all of the variegated forms of martial arts teach fighting skills like: punching, kicking, striking with knees and elbows, etc.; it certainly does not advocate the practice of using these skills to bully or harm any innocent being. Everything is taught for the purpose of defending and protecting oneself and if required, others as well. To achieve this level of discipline and moral status, students are trained to control their mind as well, apart from their bodies.

All martial arts classes teach meditation and self-inventory at all levels of training, for improvement on a daily basis. These two assets can teach any individual to find and overcome any flaws in their character.


Developing Integrity

Integrity has been defined simply as: “firm adherence to a code of especially moral or artistic values”, according to the Webster. However, in real life, it means much more than that. Integrity involves developing the traits of always being honest; keeping your promises; and speaking the truth. Integrity is a lesson taught in martial arts so that students can reveal their personal truth to themselves.

Integrity makes you earn respect in society. Everyone loves to follow and imitate people who walk their talk. Think of the persons in your surroundings who promise something very confidently, but never deliver whatever they affirmed on. If your child or you fall under the group of the aforementioned people, then martial arts training can help you to become an individual holding immense integrity.

The following principles are taught in almost all schools of martial arts to train an individual to attain respectful integrity:

· While making promises, make sure that you over deliver them.
· Honor your word. Whether you reply in “Yes” or “No”, mean it, and then show it.
· Maintain proper behavior every time, whether someone is watching over you or not.
· Abhor excuses and finish the job, no matter what obstacles come in the way.
· Always be discrete i.e. be rational in your opinions.

The instillation of integrity from early childhood will enable a child to take school assignments seriously. In adults, the trait of integrity can help us win more clients in business; or a higher responsible position in jobs.

Developing Discipline

Discipline can only be developed, once an individual has started practicing the traits of integrity. Discipline’s main teaching can be summed up as “self-control.” This teaching is practiced not only by the students, but even by the most experienced and revered masters of martial arts till the very last day of their lives.

The doctrines of discipline, teach one to remain calm in any given situation. Easier said than done, this kind of behavior requires persistent practice on a daily basis. To achieve proper discipline, anxiety must be removed from our lives.

In martial arts classes, the following teachings are given and practiced to harness discipline in one’s self:

· Mediation must be done for at least twenty minutes every day, preferably early in the mornings, to calm one’s mind. Calmness of mind is the first step toward learning discipline.
· Make a habit of responding properly in a situation, rather reacting. Reaction is a natural habit that has been developed subconsciously in an individual depending on their environment. To respond, one needs to think. Therefore, proper meditation must be done to develop proper thinking which in turn will help one to respond duly in arising situations, rather than reacting.
· Keep a track of the goals you want to achieve and then make a schedule; allotting a certain period time for every action needed to fulfill each goal.

Can you imagine anything else apart from __discipline’ that can help a child keep his calm at all times; respond politely in any given situation, showing the validity of his arguments; and get every assignment completed in time?

Developing Respect for Others and Self

When you respect someone, it means that you listen to their thoughts, feelings and opinions attentively. It doesn’t matter whether you agree with them or not, you show respect to others by making them feel special. When it comes to respect; the more you give, the more you get.

We are always taught to give respect to others because it is one prime thing that helps us connect better with our humankind. By giving out respect, we open doors for ourselves where people easily reach out to us. Better grades, increased salary, more trustworthy friends, and better career can all be yours if you learn to give and receive respect.

In martial arts training, respect is one of the most vital modules. In this module, most schools of martial arts teach the following:

· To respect elders with responses such as: “Yes, Sir.”, or “Thank you Ma’am.”
· To respect classes by always arriving in time.
· To respect homework and assignments by taking them seriously and submitting them on time.
· To pay attention in class and listen attentively to the teacher.
· To treat both juniors and seniors with honor; just the way you’d like to be treated.

If one has not earned respect in life, it surely shows that he never gave respect to anyone ever. Students are taught to give respect to others, which helps them substantially during their school and career life.

Developing Self-Confidence

Kindly allow us to ask you a question. Would you associate yourself with a confident person whose speech and actions are strong, or would you like to be friends with a weak personality, who is uncertain of his speech and actions? Obviously, you love to be in the company of confident people and wish to be like them.

Martial arts concentrate on developing confidence and a good self-image in every student. How? The masters do this by asking the children to perform a martial arts routine in front of their classmates. In regular intervals, martial arts schools host tournaments and competitions, which are the best ways to develop confidence.

When children take part in tournaments, they know that they have to display all their skills in a formal spar. Going on stage; facing your opponent; offering him respect; indulging in a spar with him; showcasing your martial arts skills without hurting your opponent, except in self-defense; all these activities go into developing self-confidence.

When self-confidence is developed, everything in life seems easy because you exhibit the trait of tackling any task fearlessly. Confidence helps you to begin any task easily and end it effortlessly. Confident people never leave any task incomplete. Whether you are participating in a class or taking part in a tournament, every time you are training yourself, you are conditioning yourself that you can take anything that life throws at you.

Developing Perseverance

Perseverance is a unique trait seen in someone who does not give up his goals even in the most difficult circumstances. Perseverance directly leads to the development of resilience in one’s character. Resilient souls are rarely found.

However, in martial arts, perseverance is one of the pillars of its philosophical thoughts. The first three levels of martial arts training, namely: white, yellow and orange; students find it easy to pass and go on to the next level, but from there on every level starts getting progressively tougher than the previous one.

This format of training in martial arts, gives the students two options in the early stages: give up after being defeated; or to “fight” and earn a higher deserving position.

Perseverance comes only when martial arts students learn to: trust their own abilities; have faith in the ongoing process; accepting defeat as a valuable lesson to learn from; trusting peers; and the hard work put in for a very long period of time. The senior students of martial arts display magnificent perseverance in their character by showing that they broke all the barriers of problems to earn higher level positions in martial arts.

Have a talk with a black belt holder of any martial arts student and notice how hungry they are for taking in more knowledge of martial arts training and practice every day. They went through hurdles like: illness; work commitments; family issues; everyday challenges; fatigue; etc., and yet, achieved the highest position of black belt. Your trainer is your best living example of perseverance.

Benefits of Finding Character Flaws through Martial Arts

As we’ve seen from above, martial arts are not only beneficial for kids, but for adults alike. The dedication toward, and study of martial arts helps any student to develop:

· Integrity, in which the student learns to keep his promise, show honesty and speak the truth.
· Discipline, with which the student learns to control the self through meditation. Meditation and self-control reduce doubts, fears and anxieties in the mind, thereby leading to a more vital behavior.
· Respect, so that the student can give and receive respect graciously. The student also realizes that respect can only be __earned’ and in order to do so he has to honor the thoughts, beliefs, and ideas of others.
· Self-confidence, that brings out the __effulgent life’ in a student. Being punctual in classes; showcasing martial arts drills in front of other students; showing respect to the opponent in a formal spar; honoring the teacher’s instructions; etc., goes into building a higher self-image and confidence in students.
· Perseverance, in always completing all the goals ever dreamed of. Perseverance is an intangible trait that can be observed by a student in his teachers or other black belt holders in martial arts. The student learns perseverance from noticing the teachers’ way of walking, talking and acting.

It cannot be denied that developing all five of the aforementioned traits can help anyone eliminate their character flaws.


All in all, it can be said that any character flaw can be easily eliminated with proper martial arts training. When the student will see the exemplary teacher practicing beneficial traits, the student will automatically pick up the teacher’s habits. Think about it carefully; integrity, discipline, respect, confidence and perseverance are not easy traits to pick up or develop on one’s efforts alone. The student must be placed in an environment where the other students and the teachers are also practicing the same doctrine.

Toward the end of this article, it is hoped that you have erased your old thought about martial arts that they are violent sports teaching self-defense. Now, you know that all forms of martial arts are a strict school in themselves. Their doctrine not only teaches self-defense tactics; but also character traits that must be developed so that we can flow in harmony with the natural energies of our universe.

In closing, it must be asserted that your child deserves to be in a martial arts school to learn to live a balanced life. Not only your child, but even you should take out time from your busy schedule and take martial arts classes. What better way to erase all the character flaws in oneself; and to develop highly respected traits, than to be in the company of people who already possess them and live those traits in their daily lives?

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